Five Cool Restaurants and Bars Coming Soon to the Lehigh Valley
We’re eagerly awaiting these five cool places to eat, drink, and be merry in the Lehigh Valley this summer.
We’re eagerly awaiting these five cool places to eat, drink, and be merry in the Lehigh Valley this summer.
This is the kind of Lehigh Valley Weekend where there’s enough to do for four weekends. My advice, choose carefully and pace yourself, especially if it involves the ones with chili and beer. 🙂
Everyone has those singular points of clarity that say “This is now, this is the season.”
This week I’m doing something a little different with this list. In honor of Earth Day and the days following, I’m excerpting events from another organization’s list. Consider this my first meta-list!
This weekend is big. Get out. See Steel Stacks for the first time. See some amazing live music. And take a walk (or run) for a good cause. There are two here to choose from. Happy Spring, for real, Lehigh Valley!
You’re heard of the “Doors of X” posters? Well, who knows, maybe one day we’ll make a “Sewer Covers of Easton or the Lehigh Valley” poster. Get your cameras ready.
If you think this weekend list isn’t like the others, well, you’d be right. It goes all the way til Tuesday night! “How can she do this?” you ask. Well, it’s my birthday weekend, and I always like to extend it for as long as possible, so I figured I’d extend it for you, too. Happy four-day weekend, Lehigh Valley!
So, it may not feel much like Spring around here, but with a list like this, I think we should all just pretend.
So when was the last time you think this was functional? Were those real prices or was it reset? I’ll give a pocket guide to the answer that makes the most sense. I’m looking for a year.
Sprinter or Wing? What should it be called?