Wordless Wednesday – February 9, 2011
A new flag flies at St. Michael’s Church in Easton, PA
A new flag flies at St. Michael’s Church in Easton, PA
Words and Photos by Alison Leigh
Many people ask me where I’m from since they know I lived out West for awhile. Well, I am from Riegelsville PA — a mile-long town south of Easton, off 611. Every once and again I revisit the town because it’s really cute and kind of cool. A lot of interesting people are from here, or currently live here. The other day I took my dog, my camera and a recently uncovered Shudder To Think CD on a mini roadtrip and ended up in “the Ville.” I documented said trip and here it is…
So for anyone who doesn’t know, I live in Downtown Easton. Some people think that’s a crazy thing to do. Some people think it’s not safe. This post’s for you. (You know who you are.)
By Laini Abraham