Laini’s List of Nine Things to Do This Weekend in the Lehigh Valley – St. Patrick’s Day Weekend
Good times for St. Patrick’s Day, good live music to hear, and a chance to do some good. Please read. And have a great and safe weekend.
Good times for St. Patrick’s Day, good live music to hear, and a chance to do some good. Please read. And have a great and safe weekend.
Happy Weekend, everyone! You are free to move about the Valley.
You can tell it’s almost spring when the events seem to appear faster than the crocuses. Happy Weekend, Lehigh Valley!
There are so many ways to express love. It can be to another person, yourself, or even a whole community. Here are some ways to spread some love between now and Valentine’s Day. <3
Some of the finest art you could ask to see, both visual and performance, is on this list. Get up, get out and check it out.
This weekend in the Valley is festive and chock full of diversity. Live music, benefits for social movements, and lots of opportunities to support our local artists and buy local for this holiday season. Enjoy!
So much music, so much art, so much reason to love being in the Valley this weekend. Enjoy!
Happy Weekend, everyone! Scan the QR Code above this text and you can view the list’s brand new SmartSite and even save the app to your phone. Thank you to Lehigh Valley Brandworks for creating this cool new LLPG feature.
I’m not sure but this may be one of the most diverse lists I’ve ever put together. Should be a great weekend. And remember, going downtown to see the flood and not supporting local businesses may make the river even angrier. You don’t want to do that, do you?
This weekend’s all about two of my favorite things—animals and art! There’s even art about animals. And a little bit of green celebrating, too. Enjoy!