Five Cool Places to Be Irish
I know it’s a week away, but the festivities seem to start early and keep on going. Here are five cool places for some Irish fun.
I know it’s a week away, but the festivities seem to start early and keep on going. Here are five cool places for some Irish fun.
by Carrie Havranek with photos by laini
You know you’ve been living somewhere a while when you are surprised to learn that something you love dearly–a person, a place, or thing–is about to encounter a significant milestone, and you are genuinely surprised.
Incidentally, it also means you are getting older, too.
Cozy 1850’s Olde World-style pub. Only 2 minutes drive from Centre Square. Open 7 days for lunch, dinner, late-night snacks and Sunday
Champagne Brunch. Live music Thurs., Fri., and Sat. nights. L D WB Bar HH VF NS KF OD PFOD 10+ RS $-$$