Home & Planet
Sixteen years on the South Side, Home & Planet is one of the largest stores in the nation featuring high-style, earth-friendly furniture, gifts, tabletop, jewelry and more. Open everyday. Steps from SteelStacks and the casino.
Sixteen years on the South Side, Home & Planet is one of the largest stores in the nation featuring high-style, earth-friendly furniture, gifts, tabletop, jewelry and more. Open everyday. Steps from SteelStacks and the casino.
This week I’m doing something a little different with this list. In honor of Earth Day and the days following, I’m excerpting events from another organization’s list. Consider this my first meta-list!
824 N. Broad St., Allentown www.sbnlv.org SBNLV is a non-profit organization committed to building a more socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable local economy by connecting, promoting, and strengthening locally-owned independent businesses, individuals, and organizations. Please visit our website for more information, and a list of our members. [geo_mashup_map]