

Welcome to the second edition of my pocket guide to Easton!

First, I must say how grateful I am for all of the support this guide and I have received over the last year. From the friends, family and advertisers who attended the launch party, to the people who sent emails telling me how much they appreciated the book (and the directions on how to drive the circle!), the love and support that is alive in the Easton community is overwhelming.

For those of you who are finding this book for the first time, I will just tell you a little about myself. I grew up in Easton, in Palmer. My family moved here when I was four. In 1995, after four years of college and a year of travel, I ended up back in Easton. Honestly, I never intended to stay. But then something happened—I fell in love with the little town nestled between two rivers. I found, among other things, a community of people who I also fell in love with. It is the people who are Easton’s greatest asset.

So after 10 years of living here, photographing here, and trying to explain to others how I could possibly like it here as much as I do, I decided to publish laini’s little pocket guide to EASTON to help
communicate how I see my city and my community. I hope you find it useful, enjoyable and helpful. It is my wish that it helps connect you to all the wonderful and whimsical things that make this area so special.

Yours truly,


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