“In the Life” Heads to the Easton Farmers’ Market

This Saturday welcomed the 2010 season of the Easton Farmers’ Market. Center Square was flowing with beautiful music, fresh produce, flowers, arts, crafts and alpacas. The ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony honored longtime “Friend of the Easton Farmers’ Market” Robin Porter. Don’t worry if you missed it; this wonderful marketplace is open every Saturday from May till October from 9am to 1pm and there’s a whole summer calendar chockablock with events. That means even if you had a crazy Friday night, you can probably still pick up some salski (from Easton Salsa) and soap without having to lose any sleep.

For more pictures from this event and other events, visit Weninger Studios at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Weninger-Studios/108588492512807?v=photos#!/pages/Weninger-Studios/108588492512807?v=wall

What’s happening around here?? Where should I go next? If you have suggestions for events you would like to see “In the Life” blog about, email me at weningerstudios@yahoo.com or send me a message on Facebook.


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