Win Tickets to see Laurie Berkner at the State Theatre!
Yes, we all have curly hair. And yes, all three of us went to Rutgers. But only one of us is a well-regarded folksinger who writes catchy music for kids that doesn’t talk down to them.
We’ve been given two free tickets to give away to The Laurie Berkner Band‘s concert at the State Theatre this Saturday, April 9, at 2pm. You could spend $35 per ticket (except babies under one get in for free provided you call and let the box office know) but now you don’t have to—if you’re one of our lucky winners. The band’s been together for over ten years; they were the sort of the house band for Nick Jr., appearing in nearly every episode of the puppet-driven Jack’s Big Music Show (which my music-loving kids, well, love.) It’s an afternoon show, so you don’t have to take the wee ones out during bedtime. Berkner knows her audience: she used to be a preschool music teacher. And most importantly, because kids aren’t going to drive themselves to these shows, unattended, the music is more than tolerable for parents, too—it does not talk down to kids.
The premise of the show is a birthday party, so kids are invited to bring a favorite hat and celebrate. The band is also collecting gently used or new children’s shoes to donate to Soles4Souls, an organization that provides footwear to people in need in 125 countries.
What do you have to do? Well, get creative; this is music and April is National Poetry Month, after all. How about writing us a poem in the comment field made out of Laurie Berkner song titles? Or how about an ode to her colorful personality and fashion sense? Or a poem of some sort, convincing us why you, or your child, or both, are the biggest Laurie Berkner fans? You have until 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 6, to give us your comment. We will choose our favorite comment and will announce the winner on the web site on Thursday, April 7, no later than 12pm noon.