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Lehigh University is holding a special event to discuss the reformation of urban education. The panel of experts includes Lehigh’s professor of urban education Floyd Beachum and George White, director of the center for developing urban educational leaders, along with Martin Blank, director for school, family and community connections at the Institute for Educational Leadership. Other leaders and administrators in the field who will be on hand to impart their thoughts include Richard Barth, CEO of the Kipp Foundation (which runs a series of free, open-enrollment public high schools based on a college-prep courseload in underserved communities) and Karen Kolsky, assistant regional superintendent of the Philadelphia School District.
The talk is part of the 2010 Distinguished Lecture Series, and it’s entitled “Urban Education: Leadership that Makes a Difference,” and it takes place at Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh on April 20 6pm-8pm. Tickets cost $10