Idea Exchange: More Than Just a Concept at iDeX

Editor’s note: This is more of a public service announcement than a story per se.

Note from laini: I heart this program. That is all.

You, too, have the power to make a change that can impact the world. Lehigh University’s iDeX: Innovation event specializes in ideas that make a difference.

iDeX—or “idea exchange”—events by The Baker Institute for Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation at Lehigh University, connects local visionaries with the community. iDeX: Innovation is the last in a series of lectures hosted by The Baker Institute over the course of the academic year. The presenters best exemplify the tenets of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in their daily work.

The event takes place Monday, April 18,  6pm-8pm, in Packard Lab Auditorium 101 at Lehigh University. This year’s guests include Chad Paul, CEO of Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern PA; Mark E. Dillon, President of Bio Med Sciences; and Stephen White, Director of Technology at First Generation. They’ll all showcase their innovations, and you can talk to them afterward.

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