laini’s list of 9 – July 10 & 11
by Laini Abraham
As you’ll notice, this week’s list is very Easton-based. While I’ve tried so far to have events representative of different parts of the Valley, sometimes it makes sense to “go where the action is.” This weekend, it’s in Easton (mostly). Next weekend it’s in Bethlehem. And sometimes it’s in Allentown. I’ll try to spread the love as much as I can. This week’s list also includes a new feature. It’s called “Get Out of Town!” This is one event that will be within a one-hour drive of the Valley… in case you feel like you just need to hit the road, see something different and new. So let me know what you think. Thanks & hope to see you soon!
1. Easton Heritage Day
Saturday from 6 to 10 pm, Sunday from 11 am to 10 pm, Historic Downtown Easton
This classic Easton event commemorates the reading of the Declaration of Independence in Easton… one of the first 3 public readings! This year marks the first time there will be events on Saturday evening as well. Highlights include a parade on Saturday, the public reading at noon on Sunday and of course, the fireworks Sunday evening. In between you can take a historic walking tour, listen to a ton of music and visit with artists and vendors. Lots of restaurants will be open and it should be cool enough to sit outside and enjoy the day. Note: Sunblock is your friend. Also, streets within a block of the Circle will be closed. For parking, look to Spring Garden St., N. Third and N. Second and Bushkill, closest to the Rt. 22 exit at 4th St. If any of this is confusing, send me a DM. Hope to see you there!
2. Hair-a-tage Day Cut-a-Thon
Sunday from 12:30 to 5 pm, Philosophie Hair Studio, 312 Spring Garden St., Easton
Even though Hair-a-tage Day is going on as part of Heritage Day, it’s too cool not to have it’s own number on the list. As a way to raise money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Philosophie Hair Studio is going to be offering haircuts for $20 & chair massages for $10. You can even get a spot of pink in your hair! ($10) Located in the 300-block of Spring Garden St., this is sure to be a mini-festival of its own. Also there? Trees & shade.
3. “WE” Opening Reception
Saturday from 7 to 10 pm, Connexions Gallery, 203 Northampton St., Easton
This is one of the most innovative art shows in recent history, featuring artists from around the Valley who have collaborated in groups of 3. The results are unexpected and refreshing. This is from the fb event page: You are invited to come and experience the “we” Art Reception! Great collaborative Artworks, food, drinks, the band Cheers Elephant! Come join us for this unforgettable night. The reception is from 7-10 pm and will follow a Heritage Day parade from 5 to 7. Some of the streets will be blocked off during the parade so check out a map before you drive out. The streets should be back open at 7pm. An affordable show with all works priced at $100
4. Trip Frogg at the Wardell
Saturday from 9 pm to 1:30 am, The Wardell, 9 Union Square, Phillipsburg
So let’s say you’re in Easton and you’ve seen the parade, gone to the WE reception and still want more! Take a little walk over the Free Bridge to see this great local band. The Wardell is a recently opened resaturant/bar with quite the history. Situated next to the train tracks, part of it is an old boxcar… and was, yes, THE Boxcar for many years. So some of you can take a stroll down memory lane. If you’re too tired to drive, or just want to stay over so you’re ready for Heritage Day, you can walk back over the bridge and get a room at the Grand Eastonian Suites Hotel. Please don’t drink and drive.
5. New Madrid Faults, Sparta Philharmonic & The Great White Caps
Saturday from 8 pm to 1 am, Wildflower Cafe, 316 S. New St., Bethlehem
Let’s say you want to stay out of Easton Saturday night… this would be the place to hear not one, not two, but THREE of the premier local, independent, original music acts rolled into one roof raiser of a show! There’s an $8 cover (such a deal to support these great musicians) and it’s BYOB… if you can prove you’re 21.
6. Makaeya’s Smile Benefit Concert
Saturday from 7 to 9 pm, Woods Dining Room, Iacocca Hall, Lehigh University’s Mountain Top Campus, Bethlehem
From the event’s fb page: Join us as we raise money for Makaeya Wheeler and her family. She is a two year old suffering from MLD. Let’s help find a cure! ( Concert Featuring Calling Out Closer and a Silent Auction. $10 donation at the door (5 and under are free).
7. Hit a Home Run for Sarah!
Sunday from 2 to 10 pm, Pitcher’s, 570 Union Blvd. Allentown
From the event’s fb page: Sixteen of the area’s most well known bands come together on Sunday, July 11th in support of one of their own. Early in 2010, Sarah Ayers, a favorite of the local music scene was diagnosed with a condition of her vocal chords that requires both extensive medical treatment and a minimum of a year off from singing. This event will feature some of the best talent in the Lehigh Valley, all coming together to sing for Sarah and to do what they can to help her make her comeback. Bands include: The BC Combo, Friar’s Point, Dina Hall and the Backbeat, Mad Dog and Blues Night Out, Todd Wolfe, Craig Thatcher and Nyke Van Wyk, Groovitude, The Christopher Dean Band, Peacekeeper and many many more… for a full list, visit the linked website.bTickets are $10.00 for adults and free for children under 18.
8. Get Out of Town – Wings and Wheels Extravaganza
Saturday and Sunday, The Golden Age Air Museum, Bethel, Pa
Fly-In, Vintage Automobile Show & Big Band Swing Dance. Bring your antique, classic or unusual aircraft, automobile, or motorcycle for public display. For more information, visit the museum’s website.
9. Movies in the Park – Where the Wild Things Are
Sunday from 6 to 11:30 pm, Friendship Park, 247 E. North St., Bethlehem
Originally scheduled for Saturday night, the showing of this classic tale has been moved to Sunday night to provide a much drier venue. The weather should be much better and it will be a very fun event for the whole family. Visit Movies, Games & More’s website for more details.