Laini’s List of 9 Things To Do in the Lehigh Valley This Weekend to Celebrate Earth Days
By Laini Abraham
Please enjoy this list which has been excerpted from the Alliance for Sustainable Communities – Lehigh Valley’s Earth Days Calendar 2011. These events start today and run through next couple of weeks. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Happy Earth Days!
1. Sustainable Vendor Fair
Friday from 10am to 4pm, Lafayette College, Farinon Atrium, High and McCartney Sts., Easton
The Sustainable Business Network Lehigh Valley is a non-profit organization of local business people, professionals, individuals, social entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders and government representatives who are committed to building a more socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable local economy. For more informations:
2. Empower Yourself Today: Bicycle Transportation
Saturday from 8am to 4pm, Bethlehem Bicycle Cooperative, 14 W. Raspberry St., Bethlehem
Choose the most fuel efficient transportation available, your bicycle. Learn basic bicycle education, traffic skills, and bicycle maintenance at the BBC, an educational bike shop. Group bike ride departs and 10 am and 2 pm. $ For more information:
3. Earth Day at Jacobsburg
Saturday from 10am to 3pm, Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center, Jacobsburg Rd., Jacobsburg
Participate in one of many stewardwhip projects in the park, including invasive plant removal, native plants planting, butterfly garden clen-up, litter pick-up, hikes, a critter search, and children’s activities. For more information: email
4. After-School Participation for Juvenile Detention Residents
Monday at 4:10pm, Lafayette College, Kirby Hall of Civil Rights, K206 Council Room, High and McCartney Sts., Easton
Caitlin Flood (2010), winner of the Eugene P. Chase Government & Law Prize for best paper in Government and Law, will present her research entitled “After-School Participation for Juvenile Detention Residents.” For more information:
5. Bicycle Heaven Starts Here
Saturdays from 2 to 3pm, Lehigh Valley/Transit Center, 60 W. Raspberry St., Bethlehem
Bike ride every Saturday for a CAT-Coalition for Appropriate Transportation Special Event. Bike rides led by a League of American Bicyclists certified Cycling Instructor (LCI) from the Lehigh Valley Bike/Ped/Transit Center. The ride starts over a shared-lane marking and continues wherever the riders want to go. If you have a specific ride in mind or are bringing your own group, call or email ahead! For more information:
6. Great American Clean-Ups of Pennsylvania
Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community, and it’s up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all. Join Pennsylvanians across the state – and Americans across the nation – for the Great American Cleanup. During the Great Merican Cleanup of PA< which is from March 1st to May 31st, registered events can get free cleanup supplies, such as bags, gloves and vests donated by PennDOT and Keep America Beautiful. For more information:
7. Jimmy Creech: Discussion and Book Signing
Tuesday, May 3rd at Noon, Lafayette College, Interfaith Chapel, Hogg Hall, High and McCartney Sts., Easton
Reverend Jimmy Creech will lead a discussion based on his book and experience as the first pastor defrocked for officiating a gay union. Come hear his story. For more information: 610-330-5320
8. Hands on Gardening
Saturday, April 30 at 8:30am,The Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Rd., Kutztown
The PA Horticultural Society is world-famous for its community gardening programs including City Harvest, Philadelphia Green, and the Garden Tenders training sessions. These are the first-ever Garden Tenders workshops to be held here in the Lehigh Valley! In these sessions you will learn the secrets behind some of America’s longest-running and most successful community gardens. Bring these best practices to your organizations and watch your gardens grow!
9. Organic Gardening Contained
Saturday, April 30 from Noon to 2pm, The Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfriedale Rd., Kutztown
From the roofs of NYC to the windowsill of a small college dormitory, container gardening is how gardeners make it happen when there is non land available. From basic to elaborate, the possibilities are limitless. Learn how you can create one and keep it vibrant through the seasons when you mix and match plants for maximum color texture and size. You’ll also learn about soil mixes, fertilizing and watering, and how to keep your container garden looking good all season long. Register at: