LV TweetUp Turns One!
Guests stepped out from behind laptops and iPhones to mingle in person for the One Year Anniversary of the LV Tweet-Up. Event organizer Michael Andreano welcomed many first-timers.
Upon entering, guests were asked to sign in and attach a name tag with two names: their first name, and their Twitter ID. This made it easy to recognize who was who — local businesses owners talked shop while local vegans rejoiced in finding more vegans. A beautiful cake was provided by Gail Lehman of Back Door Bakeshop of Bethlehem. Cupcakes from Vegan Treats Bakery were raffled off, and everyone left with a glass provided by the Brew Works etched with the Twitter IDs of sponsors. Although social networking has become a part of everyone’s daily life, in the end it just can’t replace the recreational fun that happens when people spend time together.
If you’re on Twitter and want to know more about the next gathering, follow LVTweetup.
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