The Mario Andretti Indy 500 Interview: Part II

Take one part racing legend (Mario), one part interviewer who’s been a race fan for over 40 years (Steven), and one part Lehigh Valley publisher who’s had the Valley in her blood for almost 40 years, mix them up in a room for an hour the day before Mario leaves for Indy, add a splash of adorable dog, and this is what you get. It came out so well, we had to divide it into two parts. This is part two.

An Indy 500 Weekend Special: An Interview with Mario Andretti, Part I

Take one part racing legend (Mario), one part interviewer who’s been a race fan for over 40 years (Steven), and one part Lehigh Valley publisher who’s had the Valley in her blood for almost 40 years, mix them up in a room for an hour the day before Mario leaves for Indy, add a splash of adorable dog, and this is what you get.