Wordless Wednesday — Autumn on the Lehigh River
Autumn on the Lehigh River. Photo taken just above the Forks of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers in Easton, PA. Photo by laini Abraham.
Autumn on the Lehigh River. Photo taken just above the Forks of the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers in Easton, PA. Photo by laini Abraham.
The rivers rise and eventually the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers meet. The Delaware waters are forced up while the Lehigh waters are raging down. This is what it looks like when that happens.
You never forget your first time. And I’ll never forget this one, for sure.
You’re heard of the “Doors of X” posters? Well, who knows, maybe one day we’ll make a “Sewer Covers of Easton or the Lehigh Valley” poster. Get your cameras ready.
Wordless Wednesday is getting a new name! Welcome to Lehigh Valley Photo Love, at least for now.
This is the debut post of a new [mostly] photo series. Because as far as the modes of transportation go, this one is my favorite.
Sprinter or Wing? What should it be called?
Old and New.
While Easton fortunately didn’t see a huge flood last week, the water still managed to leave the banks of the river in spots. This is always amazing for me to see, no matter how many times I see it.
The rivers before the storm.