Top Ten Reasons to Advertise in the new “laini’s little pocket guide to BETHLEHEM” (Promotion)
10. Your ad dollars will go a lonnnnngggg way. You buy one ad, and get a whole year’s exposure. It doesn’t get thrown away after a day, a week, a month, or in some cases after the year. People tell me they are collecting them! How cool is that? Where else can you buy an ad that may be around 100 years from now?
9. It’s clutter-free. Your ad won’t get lost in a sea of ads on the same page. Because if you wanted your ad to end up like that, you’d advertise on a placemat at a diner, right?
8. It’s seriously cost-effective. When you do the math and compare the yearly cost to ANY other one around, you’ll see it’s probably the most affordable publication for you to advertise in. Period.
7. It’s local. Really local. Not pretending to be local but owned by a huge corporation. Owned and run by a real Lehigh Valleyan, me. 🙂
6. You get MORE. Not only will you get the exposure from your ad/listing in the book, but you’ll also be included in the directory on, one of the fastest-growing websites around. Oh, and if you act now, you’ll get free placement on the cool interactive map, too! And much, much more.
5. You will be in good company. Lots of great, local businesses are going to be in it, too. Restaurants like Apollo Grille, Edge and BrewWorks, salons like Eskandalo, schools like Moravian Academy and NCC, and lots of businesses including realtors, banks and shops – they’ll all be in it, representing themselves and Bethlehem. Shouldn’t your business be there, too?
4. Because 15,000 copies of this book are going to be mailed directly to homes throughout the Lehigh Valley this Spring. These are people who are increasingly looking to support local and independent businesses. For more information about distribution, see
3. Your business will get more CONNECTED. You will get promoted through the pocket guide networks—Facebook, Twitter, this web site—all of it! When you join the pocket guide family, you’re joining a network of thousands and thousands of individuals and businesses. If this network didn’t work, you wouldn’t be reading this now, would you?
2. There’s only 2 ways to get in a hotel room: with a key and with this little book! laini’s little pocket guide to Bethlehem is available in hundreds of hotel rooms all over Bethlehem. Do you want to tell visitors about your business? This is a great way to do it. And you won’t need to steal any hotel room keys either.
1. And (drum roll, please), the #1 reason to advertise in laini’s little pocket guide to Bethlehem: ADVERTISING IN THIS LITTLE BOOK WORKS! While a lot of businesses say they rely on “word of mouth,” this really is just that. Except your trusted friend is the pocket guide and instead of only 1 mouth, it has 20,000. For real. Try it for 1 year. You’ll see.
Space reservation deadline is May 20th. Call now!