Bike Day this Saturday!

This is a little note I got from my friend Scott Slingerland who’s helping organize some very cool bike-related events for the Lehigh Valley. Check out this one this Saturday. Hope to see you there!  –laini

Hi Riders and Friends,

This Saturday, May 22nd, is “Bike Day at the Easton Farmers Market” (9am-1pm)

Bike Day will have fun bicycle-related activities for children and adults in Centre Square and along traffic-free Northampton Street between 3rd and 4th Streets.

Everyone who brings their bicycle will get a free bike safety check by a mechanic, and a helmet fitting (helmets are required for all, and are provided FREE to children without them, and to adults for a fee). Riders can also practice their bike handling on the basic skills course with the guidance of certified instructors, plus a ride around downtown with Easton’s Mayor Panto at 12 noon.

*Trek Bicycles will have demo bikes for free test rides throughout the day.

*In the Bank Street Alley, there will be helmet/bike decorating stations, and a Crayola bike safety poster creation station… plus the special ice cream of the Purple Cow Creamery!

*Live music in Centre Square will be provided by School of Rock (9:30-11:00) and The Deadliners (11:00-1:00)

*The Easton Farmers Market will feature goodness from the earth and wares by the hands of locals!

*Live Demonstration of the “Door Zone”

We hope to see you at Bike Day!
Round up your friends and bring ’em along!!

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