Support Mark Werkheiser’s Children



The Easton Area Class of 1992 has lost a loved classmate, Mark Werkheiser. He was senselessly murdered on March 15, 2012. The mother of his children has been charged with his murder.. He leaves behind four children who will be cared for by his sister who has three children. If we can help with some of the practical needs, it will hopefully allow the family more energy to focus on the emotional healing that will be a long and difficult process. Our goal is to build an addition to their home. They currently have one shower for nine people. We are asking everyone to gift as much as you can for his children and get two more people to do the same.

Spectrum of Floors has offered to match any business’s $100 gift up to $1000. Any business wanting their gift matched or wanting to gift a large amount should contact Lori-Ann Koch at

There are two ways you can give a gift to Mark’s children. By paypal, using your bank information or debit/credit card, or by mailing personal check.

To donate via PayPal, click the button below.

To send a check via US Mail:

Make checks payable to “Lori-Ann Koch.” Lori is our class treasurer.

Send to:
Lori-Ann Koch
PO BOX 275
Martins Creek, PA 18063
by April 13th.


All money given should be considered a gift and is not tax-deductible because we are not a 501(c)3 (federally recognized charity status). 100% of your gift minus paypal fees will go to the family.

We have opened an account specifically for the children and will be giving 100% of the proceeds to the family for the children’s needs. Thank you for your support and helping Mark’s fellow classmates show his children that there is love and support for them everywhere.


Please also help by sharing this information with your friends and colleagues. You can share this post easily by using the buttons at the top and bottom of this post to link to your social networks or directly email it to someone. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or email Lori-Ann Koch at



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