And the Winner of the Food Poetry Contest Is . . .

By Laini Abraham


The winner in the first ever Laini’s Little Pocket Guide Food Poetry Contest is . . . (drumroll)



Kevin Drake!


The close runner-up is Jason Brown! These two guys competed like no other food poets I’ve ever seen. It got so heated last night, I thought I was going to have to call the contest early. But then I decided to just go to sleep early. Alas, no one was injured and a record number of votes, almost 500, were cast by readers in this contest.


But there’s a small twist. Originally, the prize was to be a $100 gift certificate to Emeril’s Italian Table. This was the carrot (pun intended) that all were vying for. However, after seeing the amount of blood, and sweat that was being put into this contest, the nice people at the Sands Casino Resort threw in another gift certificate. And guess what it’s for? $100 to eat at Emeril’s Italian Table! They also offered a hat and a t-shirt for each of the top three vote-getters. Coming in at number three is one of our own favorite writers here at LLPG (full disclosure: she’s sometimes a contributing writer here, too): Lenora Dannelke!


So congratulations to all of you! Kevin and Jason, you both get what you worked so hard for. Maybe you can even go break bread together after this. I think you could each probably use a nice glass of wine, too. 🙂


Thank you to everyone who contributed poems to this contest and everyone who voted. Other than counting the votes this morning, this has been a lot of fun.


Final tally in Emerils Italian Table Food Poetry Contest
This is about a third of the page that I used to tally the votes. Any interested interns out there? Call me.


Jason, Kevin, and Lenora – please email your addresses to me at Your prizes will be sent to you directly from the Sands.



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